seed hydroseeding machine for sale
Seed hydroseeding machine for sale has become a high-speed public roadside slope greening, mine green, desert control, embankment protection, large-scale green space reconstruction and other green projects in an effective vegetation planting method.
LHS15190 seed hydroseeding machine for sale is the most robust member of our seed hydroseeding machine family designed to meet the needs of middle-scale jobsites and demanding seeding applications. This unit has the power and output capacity to handle middle size mine reclamation, highways, and commercial sites with new conveniences, greater versatility and increased operator efficiencies.
LHS15190 seed hydroseeding machine for sale features a large centrifugal slurry pump, coupled with a powerful diesel engine to provide potent pump output, intense pressure and unmatched slurry discharge distances. The unit is also equipped with an independently controlled pump/agitator operation; mechanical paddle agitation; liquid recirculation; hydraulic hose reel; and a hefty hydraulic system.