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Refractory pan mixer Kashmir

The refractory pan mixer Kashmir also has a safety function: if the top cover door is opened between two operations, the machine will automatically stop. Since there is a relay between the top cover and the hopper, once the top cover is opened, the power supply will be automatically cut off to ensure the safety of the operator.

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If your project requires a suitable refractory pan mixer Kashmir, please help us to confirm the following:
1. What kind of mixed materials will you use in the refractory mixing project?
2. How much mix do you need?
3. How much motivation do you need?

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Send us your answers and requirements, and we will provide you with a more suitable type and the most favorable price. If the existing models cannot meet your work needs, we an also provide customized services to meet your needs for refractory pan mixer Kashmir, please feel free to contact us.

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