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Refractory mixing machine with 500L capacity

We can provide you with refractory mixing machine with 500L capacity.

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Refractory mixing machine with 500L capacity, mixing speed, uniformity, high feeding comfort, water spray nozzle, this refractory mixer is specially designed for on-site operation, compact structure, easy to move, with bag breaker, refractory plate. The maintenance cost of the type mixer is low-cost.

portable castable refractory pan mixer
portable castable refractory pan mixer

The refractory mixing machine with 500L capacity also has a safety function: if the top cover door is opened between two operations, the refractory mixing machine with 500L capacity will automatically stop. Since there is a relay between the top cover and the hopper, once the top cover is opened, the power supply will be automatically cut off to ensure the safety of the operator.

High intensive portable customised castable refractory pan mixer
High intensive portable customised castable refractory pan mixer
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