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Refractory gunite machine India

As for Refractory gunite machine India  manufacturers, we has many years of experience in refractory gunning machine. LZ-3ER is specifically designed for Refractory Dry-mix shotcrete applications, as well as for concrete shotcrete application.

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With this Refractory gunite machine India , you can get low dust and high performance spraying flow in nozzle. Refractory gunite machine India is equipped with variable frequency driven can achieve variable output, so the start output can be adjusted relatively small by variable frequency avoiding plugging phenomenon.
refractory gunning machine for lime plant
refractory gunning machine for lime plant
Refractory gunite machine India feature:
1. Variable Output with variable-frequency drive;
2. Collect Dust Bag;
3. Clean Dust Gun;
4. Heavy-duty Solid wheels.
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