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Refractory equipment gunning machine for cement factory preheater

For the construction and refractory sectors, Leadcrete manufactures refractory equipment gunning machine of the highest caliber. We provide you with our high-quality supplies and support you with our refractory equipment gunning machine for your projects.

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An ABB frequency converter is installed in the refractory equipment gunning machine for the cement factory’s preheater, which allows for variable output between 1 and 3 m3/h. A new form of pre-dampening nozzle assembly, a high-pressure water pump, conveying hose, water hose, joint, and clamp, among other components, are included in a complete set of refractory gunning machines.
In order to line metallurgical and glassworks furnaces, heating plant boilers, coke-oven batteries, cement factories, etc., refractory concrete mixes are sprayed using a refractory gunning machine for cement factory preheater.

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