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Pump hose

A pump hose is a hose used to move fluids in industrial and commercial pumping applications. Pump hoses are available in a variety of materials and sizes to suit different applications and pump types. One common type of pump hose is the peristaltic pump hose.

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This hose compresses and expands to create the pumping action. The hose is squeezed and released by rollers or cams inside the pump, allowing fluid to pass through the hose and out of the pump. Applications for peristaltic pump tubing range from laboratory and medical equipment to large industrial pumping systems.

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The pump hose is specially designed for peristaltic pumps. The hose has a soft and elastic body for better wear resistance. The hose is reinforced with synthetic fibers for added flexibility. The heat generation rate of the rubber hose is extremely low during use, and the recovery ability is excellent.



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