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Industrial rubber peristaltic pump for Bengal

Industrial rubber peristaltic pump are mainly applied in distant conveying, grouting and dosing of viscous slurries in construction, mining, food, paper-making, ceramic, etc. We customize hose pumps for different customers.

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Industrial rubber peristaltic pump is a new, multi-functional, multi-purpose industrial pump. It can be used in chemical, petroleum, water treatment, medicine, food, metallurgy, mining, construction, building materials, ceramics, paper-making and other industries.

hot sale industrial peristaltic pump
hot sale industrial peristaltic pump

The durability of industrial rubber peristaltic pump is mainly determined by the elasticity and corrosion resistance of the hose. The flow rate is related to the speed of the motor and the inner diameter of the squeeze. Therefore, the key is to select the hose and the speed control mechanism, as long as the hose has a long enough life and stable speed, long-term keeping quantitative rotate is no problem.

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