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Hose pump for sale in Australia

Various advantages, so that hose pump for sale in Australia is more and more widely used in gold smelting, nonferrous metallurgy, chemicals, mining, food processing, brewing, ceramics, water treatment and other industries.

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Hose pump for sale in Australia is also called as peristaltic pump, because of its working principle is similar to the digestive tract to peristaltic mode transmission gas, solid, liquid three-phase medium named. Hose pump designers and users value firstly is its ability to transport strong abrasive media. It has no valve, no seal, the only part in contact with the medium is the inner cavity of the rubber hose, the rotor of the compression hose is completely independent of the medium. The squeeze hose is the only wearing parts.

In addition, the hose pump for sale in Australia there are many unique features:
1. No other pump than the hose pump has a better self-priming ability, almost can produce a perfect vacuum to aspirate;
2. Delivery with gas liquid, bubble liquid without air resistance;
3. Transmission of high viscosity, shear-sensitive medium is also a strong;
4. Fixed displacement per rotation and has nothing to do with the export pressure, is a natural metering pump.

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