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hose pump exported to Singapore

Recently, we deliver hose pump exported to Singapore customer for pumping cement and mortar. The customer has received the hose pump and gave a high evaluation.

Rated 4.7/5 based on 522 customer reviews

Hose pump exported to Singapore has much advantages, like high quality, easy to operate, and having a competitive price. Because the materials is only contacting with squeeze hose, squeeze hose is the only wear part. Once the hose tube is wear, it will take 15 minutes to change the tube and go on working.

Hose pump exported to Singapore adopts roller structure, instead of pressure shoe structure, on the one hand, it can effectively reduce the wear of the hose in the use. Because roller structure will produce rolling friction, while pressure structure produces sliding friction. Compared with sliding friction, rolling friction will reduce the wear and prolong the service of squeeze hose. On the other hand, roller structure doesn’t need add lubricating oil in the pump house, and without leak detection device.

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