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High pressure cement grouting plant

High pressure cement grouting plant are usually not the first choice for grouting services. In addition to wear and tear, some people may have difficulty handling the wide range of pressure outputs that are often required. Although similar pumps are used in some grouting mixers, they run more or less at a constant speed, and their limited use makes it not worthy of further details here.

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The piston of the high pressure cement grouting plant reciprocates in a closely matched cylinder. Those used for grouting are usually double-acting: when the piston moves in one direction, the grout is discharged, and suction is formed on the other side to pull the grout into preparation for the next discharge stroke. When inflow occurs, a check valve must be used to close the outflow port, and vice versa. The basic layout is shown in the figure.

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The grout flows to the bottom of the high pressure cement grouting plant from the left; the pumped discharge is discharged from the top to the right. The piston stroke is to the right; the arrow indicates the flow rate. Ball valves are shown (see below for other types of valves). The upper right valve is lifted from the valve seat under the pressure of the piston through the grout, and the lower left valve is also opened. In this case, the back of the piston is due to the suction from the piston. This allows the grout to enter the cylinder, preparing it for the return stroke. The other two valves are temporarily closed; they are open for the return stroke.

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