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gloable service shotcrete machine for sale south africa

The gloable service shotcrete machine for sale south africa is the use of compressed air to the material in the hose “thin stream” in the form delivered to the nozzle directly emitted. The gloable service shotcrete machine for sale south africa is two cans side by side, an injection, to prepare.

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In some large-scale water conservancy projects bidding internationally, such as Ertan Hydropower Station, the Yellow River Xiaolangdi Project, and the Three Gorges Project, all use wet concrete spraying operations. Most of the gloable service shotcrete machine for sale south africa are equipment imported from abroad. In recent years. Some domestic units have also begun to develop several types of gloable service shotcrete machine for sale south africa, but the production scale still needs to be expanded.

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gloable service shotcrete machine for sale south africa

To sum up, the main advantages of gloable service shotcrete machine for sale south africa are:

(1) The dust concentration near the machine and outside the nozzle is greatly reduced, and the harm to workers’ health is eliminated.

(2) High productivity. Dry concrete spraying machine generally does not exceed 5m3 / h. The use of wet concrete sprayer can reach 10m3 / h when manual operation; 20m3 / h when using robotic hand.

(3) Low rebound. When dry sprayed, the concrete rebound can reach 15% -50%. Using wet spray technology. The rebound rate can be reduced below 10%.

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