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Easy Operation Multifunctional Soil Hydroseeding Machine

Easy Operation Multifunctional Soil Hydroseeding Machine can greatly lower labor costs. One person can operate a hydroseeder machine. Hydro mulch is easier to store and transport than straw. It does not produce too much dust during application.

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Easy Operation Multifunctional Soil Hydroseeding Machine are widely used in the slope greening protection project at present. During the slope greening maintenance project, irrigation is needed to ensure the grass is in good growing condition. Special irrigation techniques (such as drip irrigation, seepage irrigation, water injection root irrigation) that save water resources, increase survival rate and promote grass and shrub plant growth.

hydroseeding machine
hydroseeding machine

Hydroseeding is a process that uses a special pump to spread a carefully selected blend of seed, fertiliser, soil and water in one application. The seed is given the best possible opportunity to germinate and grow because the added mulch fibres retain water to keep the seed moist, prevent wind and soil erosion and maintains a constant soil temperature.

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