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clc foam concrete block making machine

The clc foam concrete block making machine operation proceed is automatic, combined the material feeding, foam generating, mixing, and transportation together. The clc foam concrete block making machine also equips with moving wheels, universal wheels, the stretch frame, easy to move to other sites.

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CLC  foam concrete block making machine first appeared in foreign countries, and its original model used impeller to rotate at high speed to make foam, so it was also called ” CLC foam making machine “. Later, with the continuous progress of technology, the technical content of foam making machine has been continuously improved, and new models have emerged constantly, forming different technical systems.

Cellular Light weight concrete foam concrete block mixing machine
clc foam concrete block making machine

CLC  foam concrete block making machine were used in China as early as 1950s, but mortar mixers were used instead of special CLC  foam concrete block making machine. That is, the foaming agent is directly added into the mortar mixer or concrete mixer, and the foaming agent is stirred with the mortar or concrete to generate foam. Around 1970s, special foaming agent, namely high-speed impeller foaming machine, began to appear. Since then, the technology has been continuously upgraded and replaced, and now it has developed into the third generation model with high-pressure inflation as the main body, which can basically meet the needs of foam concrete.

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