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China big capacity hydroseeder with soil screening system

China big capacity hydroseeder with soil screening system can greatly lower labor costs. One person can operate a hydroseeder machine. Hydro mulch is easier to store and transport than straw. It does not produce too much dust during application.

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China big capacity hydroseeder with soil screening system allows seed to be planted by spraying it over prepared ground. The process is also referred to as hydraulic mulch seeding, hydro-mulching, and hydro seeding.

hydroseeder for golf greening
hydroseeder for golf greening

China big capacity hydroseeder with soil screening system can be used to spray embankments and flat areas. It is widely used in spray grass seed, slope stabilization and landscaping, highway slope protection projects, planting grass by spraying seeds, flat areas greening, etc. Applications cost less than regular dry ground applications that have to be covered by straw. In addition, hydroseeding saves time. In one spray you get seed, mulch, and the first watering.

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