Adjustable foam brick production equipment
Our adjustable foam brick production equipment is a compact machine, putting screw conveyor, mixer, foam generator and foam concrete pump 4 parts in one, very convenient to operate and move. And this adjustable foam brick production equipment has a control panel, it can control all the procedures all in one place. More importantly, this foam concrete machine has a frequency converter, it can exactly adjust the quantity of foam, so that we can adjust the density of foam concrete easily.
The adjustable foam brick production equipment can make the foaming agent into foam according to a certain concentration. It can also be regarded as a foaming machine, which is equivalent to mixing the foaming agent aqueous solution with air to make bubbles, and foaming concrete .It is mainly foam, so the cement foaming machine has become the main equipment for making foamed concrete.
Under the action of the foaming agent and adjustable foam brick production equipment the foaming machine forms a foamed concrete shape after mixing with the cement. There are dense air bubbles inside, which have strong stability and are not easy to defoam. The pores are formed after the concrete is dried.