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800kg castable pan refractory mixers for sale

If you are interested in the 800kg castable pan refractory mixers for sale, please contact us ! Email us, and we will send the 800kg castable pan refractory mixers for sale price and more details for you.

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The 800kg castable pan refractory mixers for salemainly consists of a drive unit, a rotor assembly, an air duct system, a spray system, and an electric control box.
Drive: A completely sealed oil immersion reducer 11 is mounted at the bottom of the machine, equipped with a 3-speed gear transmission, with a total gear ratio of approximately 87 and a gear shifting efficiency of approximately 92%. The electric motor 13 is mounted perpendicular to the speed reducer in parallel with the rotor shaft.
High quality 100kg pan mixer for refractories
High quality 800kg pan mixer for refractories
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